Friday 31 January 2014

My magazine advert (Completed)

Analysis of my magazine advert

In order to create my own effective magazine advert, a lot of research had to be done to find out the codes and conventions of a magazine advert from the pop genre. After researching and analyzing two magazine adverts of my own choice, I then went on to creating a paper design of what i wanted my magazine advert to look like.
This was used as a basic plan to create a rough idea of how I wanted to present my magazine advert and how i wanted the layout to be.
My paper design consisted of the artists name written at the top of the A4 piece of paper going across the page. On the right side of the page, I had written "Presents.. His Debut Album.. Ft his new single.. IMPOSSIBLE." The left side of the page consisted of an image of just his face, and the bottom right had a 'King' and 'Queen' card in the corner of the page on fire. This was an effective design due to the fact that the cards and the fire are significant within our music video.
After creating my basic paper plan of my magazine advert, I then went on to creating my final magazine advert on Photoshop.Whilst working on Photoshop, i was testing out all of the different tools and effects i could use to create my magazine advert. As Photoshop was such a time consuming and complex software to use, i made a few changes to my layout. One of the things i had changed was the use of the image. I decided to change it to my artist holding the guitar because it was more conventional and significant to the pop music genre and the music video to my song impossible. The fact that the artist is holding the guitar shows that he is multi-talented and that music is his passion.
One of the other changes i made was getting rid of the cards and the fire. The reason i decided to to use this was because when i tried out the cards and the flame, it made the magazine advert look cheap and less effective, therefore i decided not to use it and to keep my magazine advert plain and simple.
The use of color that i used was mainly black and white, This is because i decided that if i kept the colors dull and simple, the artist and his image would stand out a lot more.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of the choices and decisions that you made to your own magazine advert. It is clear to see how your advert developed from your paper deign to your photoshop design. However you need to be more specific about what colours and tools that you used, which will help to extend your points. You also need to explain how your advert is conventional to your chosen music genre and how your audience can build a relationship with your artist.
