Wednesday 29 January 2014



What is the purpose of a storyboard?
Storyboards are a series of photos and drawings that outline the sequence of scenes and clips in any type of video. Storyboards are useful for many reasons. Some of these reasons consist of; Helping to manage time, seeing as the storyboards also contains description of what camera shots will be used, what items will be needed and also what will be going on in each of these scenes. A storyboard consists of quite a bit of detailed information. This information includes; Scene description, Camera techniques, Audio, iconography,location,actors and what editing will be used.

How did you use your primary and secondary research that you carried out, to plan your music video?
The primary and secondary research we carried out as a group helped us a lot when creating a music video as we all gained a greater understanding of what our audience were expecting to see and also gave us an idea of what is expected within a music video.
The primary research we conducted consisted of us creating a questionnaire with 10 questions that we handed out to 40 different people. The questionnaires contained questions which asked our target audience what they would like to see in a music video, their favorite music genre, their favorite singer and many other questions all to do with music videos. This broadened our knowledge on how to create a music video as it gave us a variety of information on what we could include in our video. Another piece of primary research that we carried out was Vox pops. Here we just picked 5 different people at random and asked them 5 questions about  music videos and what they would expect to see in a pop music video.We asked open questions which gave us qualitative data. This gave us; as a group,  very informative answers and helped us come up with ideas about what genre we would follow and what artist we would use.

The secondary research we carried out consisted of doing lots of research into different theories, other music artists and many music videos. We started off by looking into two theories. One was Goodwin's theory which was about how lyrics of a song and the you see on the music video relate. The other theory we looked into was Richard Dyer's theory which was explaining how artists/stars are more like an object and not a person.
Other secondary research consisted off looking on the internet for different typed of music genres and the generic conventions of a pop music video in order to make out music video a success.

How did you and your group storyboard your music video?
In order to make our group storyboard a success, as a group we decided to hold a meeting in order to discuss what we wanted to include in our music video. By discussing what we want to include within our music video, it helps us decide what scenes we would like to put in our video which therefore helps us create our storyboards and separate each scene. This was also very useful as it gave us a chance as a group to discuss what camera shots we will be using along with what the narrative for each individual section would be.

How did you share the responsibility?
When discussing our storyboards as a group, the input was equal from all members of the group. Together we spoke about the narrative we will be using and we each spent time discussing what camera shots will be used and what location will be used. We then decided that only two members of the group should create the storyboards whilst the other two members of the group worked on other things like the filming scheduled. We decided that this was a good idea as we felt as though it wouldn't take 4 people to create a storyboard.

Did you follow your storyboards, or did you make changes?
When it came down to filming our music video, we all stuck to the storyboards which was very efficient as it saved us a lot of time. As we all knew where we was going on to film and on what day along with all the camera shots we will be using, it saved us time and prevented us as a group from getting so stressed thinking about last minute locations etc.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why storyboards are essential to include, especially when planning a production. The storyboards that you have included above, helps to support some of the planning points that you have made.

    Did you follow your plans, or did you make any changes?
