Tuesday 24 September 2013

Research into music genres

How do music videos appeal to an audience?
A music video is usually an extremely important way to create a connection between the artist and its target audience. It also helps the audience understand the narrative behind the song and what the true meaning of the song is seeing as visuals could relate to the lyrics. Each different music genres consist of different music videos relating to the artist. An example of this could be how rap artists music videos usually consist of sexy women, money, cars and jewelry. Whereas a dance music video usually has a loud music and upbeat dancers.

  • How do the technical elements vary in the different music videos?
  • How do music videos appeal to an audience
  • How can the audience build a relationship with the artist?
  • What ideas or inspirations can you use for your music video and why
  • Drake - Over

    The room Drake is sitting in right at the beginning of the song is empty which gives the audience the impression that the video is simple and boring. However it turns out to be extremely interesting seeing as there are projections on the walls around him which relate to his song and lyrics. This show's Goodwin's theory.
    He is targeting both male and female audience within the age group of 15-25 and is singing about how he became famous so quickly.


    Roughly a few seconds in to the music video one of the camera shots used is a Low Angle of drake sitting on his bed rapping whilst at the same time there is a projection of a road on the walls. This shows that he is becoming bigger as he is on the 'Road to success'

    Another camera shot used many times in this music video is close ups of Drakes face. This is because as Drake was a new artist when he released this first song, so he wanted the audience to recognize him and the close ups of drakes face allowed the audience to build relationship with him straight away as the it was one of the first camera shots used.


    One of the editing techniques used was a Time Lapse which is when drake was going at a normal pace as the projection of people next to him was increasing at a faster pace. This is interesting because his lyrics relate what was going on in the music video for example "I know way too many people here right now that I didn't know last year" this is where it relates to Goodwin's theory. This editing technique could symbolise how he is getting bigger and more recognized by people.

    Another editing technique used is special effects. One of the special effects used is when drake is standing in a dark room and his shadows behind him are increasing in size. This could symbolise how he started low down and he his making himself bigger as it is shown on the wall that he is getting bigger.

    Flo Rida - Club cant handle me

    The narrative of this music video consists of flo Rida trying to show off/boast about all the money and popularity he has now that he is famous. The music video is set in a club showing flo Rida surrounded by many people that practically worship him. This is shown by the levels  used within the club.


    One of the camera shots used was a low angle in the club when Flo Rida is standing on a higher level than everyone else there. This could be because he trying to emphasize the fact that he is now very powerful because he is famous and rich. This shows a lot of arrogance.

    Another camera shot that was used right at the beginning was a close up of the two Lamborghini cars. This is also shown to emphasize the fact that he is now rich and he is trying to show that he is turning up in one of the most expensive cars.


    One of the editing techniques used was a fade of each individual scene at the beginning fading into each other. The scenes consisted of clips of Flo Rida coming out of his Lamborghini, throwing the money around and entering the club. This shows his success and how proud he feels of his achievements.

    Another editing technique used was a split screen of the club and a deserted street. This could of possibly been used to symbolise how he felt before he became famous (Lonely, deserted) and how he feels now that he has many fans, is famous and well know.

    Justin Timberlake - Cry me a river

    This music video consists of Justin Timberland  singing about how his girlfriend had cheated on him and now he wants her to 'Cry him a river' while he gets his revenge.


    This is one of the first camera shots used in this music video. It is a close up shot of a swimming pool which can be used to symbolise the water of his ex girlfriend 'Crying him a river' and also this shows the rain which is pathetic fallacy which shows that something bad was going on so it was raining.

    Another camera shot which was used many times was close ups of Justin Timberland's face seeing as he was a new artist when he released this song so he was trying to make him self become recognized and well known. This also allowed the audience to build a relationship with the artist.

    Editing ;

    One of the editing styles used within this music video is slow motion. This is when the action that is going on in a frame is slowed down and this editing effect has been added when the raindrops fall on the car. This editing could be used to symbolise the tears he cried over her and possibly the tears he is trying to make her cry.

    1 comment:

    1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of how different music genres use a variety of micro elements. You have selected a variety of music videos to analyse, but you have not considered your points in enough detail and have only included a basic overview of the camera shots and editing styles. You have not considered on the effect that these elements have on the audience either, which continutes to make this research post basic.

      Therefore, you need to elaborate on the points that you have made in more detail and aim to elaborate on all the points that you have made in more detail.
