What is a music video?
A music video is a market tool used to promote an artist or song.
A music video is a market tool used to promote an artist or song.
Purpose of a music
A short
narrative to represent an artist.
To attract
a particular target audience.
To identify
an artist or a group.
To buy into
an artist’s life style.
To show the
different conventions of a genre or a music video.
For an
audience to remember the music video.
To make a
song available to a wide audience.
To show
more about an artist.
audience request music videos.
To build a
relationship with the artist.
For the
audience to understand more about a song.
Styles of a music
Music videos are split into 3 different categories which are :-
Music videos are split into 3 different categories which are :-
– Singing and Dancing.
Narrative –
Telling the audience a story.
Concept –
Selling the audience an idea or theme or ideology.
Some music videos
contain a mixture of the different styles and some contain only one style.
Codes and
conventions of a music video
· The codes
and conventions of music genres are all different to each other and this is because music genres have different target audiences
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