Thursday 17 October 2013

Target Audience Research - Pie Charts

Target Audience Research - Pie Charts
After questioning 40 different people about the types of genre and music they enjoy listening to and the music videos they find entertaining to watch, it helped us decide what type of music video we would like to create to engage our target audience and make it a video they find entertaining to watch. Below are pie charts that we have created with the results of the questionnaire we received.

The results we received will help us a lot when creating our music video as we now have a lot on information on what to include and what not include, specifically to suit our target audience and what they will like too see within a music video. The pie charts just set out the results from the questionnaires much clearer for us to see the results. As a group it has helped us a lot when planning our music video as it has given us a clearer understanding of what our target audience would enjoy seeing in a music video. So if we base our music video around the results we received, I believe that our music video will be extremely sucessful. 

1 comment:

  1. The pie charts that you have included, helps to show the results that you received from your questionnaires.

    Aim to include a summary, to explain how your research will assist you with planning your music video. Also aim to include all the pie charts
